Monday, November 12, 2007

Acne Rosacea - Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

By Mike Singh

Acne rosacea is a skin condition characterized by reddish discoloration of the facial skin, particularly in the area of the cheeks, forehead and the nose. It is usually found in fair skinned adults, and is often mistaken for acne. The tiny blood vessels under the skin dilate and give the appearance of “blushing”. While pimples may occur with acne rosacea there are no whiteheads or blackheads. At first the redness may come and go, but if untreated it will continue to worsen, with pimples and permanent flushing of the face. Extreme cases of acne rosacea that have not been treated can lead to disfigurement of the nose and puffy cheeks. Cosmetic surgery is the only way to repair this severe damage. Acne rosacea may also cause a gritty feeling in the eyes that, if not treated, can lead to impaired vision.

Acne rosacea can occur in men or women. Women tend to get acne rosacea more often than men, but men have more severe symptoms than do women.

Causes of Acne Rosacea
One of the most frustrating things about acne rosacea is that there is no known cause. There are many suggestion as to the origins of rosacea such as:
- Emotional factors that cause blushing or flushing of the face may trigger acne rosacea.
- Changes in the weather may cause acne rosacea to occur.
- Sun exposure generally worsens the condition.
- Mites or certain bacteria may cause the initial outbreaks of acne rosacea.
- Some medications for heart conditions that are used a vasodilator may bring about the onset of acne rosacea.

Treatments Available
It is important to remember that acne rosacea is not the same as teenage acne, and will not respond to over the counter acne treatments. These treatments are more likely to further irritate the skin and cause a worsening of the condition.

The most successful treatment of acne rosacea includes:
- A strong oral antibiotic that gradually decreases to a maintenance level.
- A topical cream that is applied regularly to the affected area. This cream usually will contain antibiotics in conjunction with cortisone or a prescription acne mediation.

Things to avoid/moderate
- Minimize skin exposure to the sun.
- Avoid or minimize smoking
- Moderate alcohol consumption
- Avoid spicy foods

As promised
- you now know what acne rosacea is, what causes this condition and how it can be treated/controlled.

Mike Singh is the publisher of On his website, he shows how to cure a pimple and articles about acne causes and treatments.
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Monday, November 5, 2007

How Can I Cure or Reduce my Acne?

By Reinhardt Gallowitz

Acne can be a very frustrating thing for most people especially when they get acne since they were very young. The very first signs of acne will be during the puberty stages and you will get acne on your face, back, shoulders and maybe even your chest. Then there are those unlucky chaps that get acne in their later stages of their life. That's called adult acne. Acne is a very uncomfortable disease and people hate having it since it's so degrading.

If you have acne, you have by now tried your very best to get rid of it. You probably tried various different products from various sources and they didn't work. That's why people with acne tend to be more depressed and unhappy. If you had acne while you were in school you were probably called names or you were teased a lot. That period in your life really affects your self-esteem and many teenagers in the US commits suicide. It destroys your social life to the point where you do not want to meet new people.

Finding ways to cure your acne will definitely give you a boost of confidence and maybe change your entire life. Don't become depressed. Try to stay positive since one CAN improve your acne. It doesn't help you go round feeling lonely and depressed all the time because it will only make the situation so much worse.

Acne is a very serious problem but it can be solved. With the right direction and the right products you can get a clear complexion in no time. You see, your body is a very special mechanism and it reacts different to different types of lifestyles. Maybe you have a very weird diet and that might be the reason you have Acne. Maybe your hormones are so different and on various levels that you have acne bursts during different stages in your life. Maybe you had a very rough puberty stage in your life. This will usually cause you to have adult acne later in life.

Chances are pretty good you have tried everything. This might include over the counter medicines like facial creams, lotions or even pills. You might even have visited the dermatologist and spent a lot of money. Just remember one thing not all dermatologists can help your skin. They normally prescribe very expensive medicines, facial creams or even dangerous procedures. This might not suit you at all.

Did you know that there are actually people that cured their acne?
At this very moment they are feeling and looking better than ever before. Those people will never have to worry about acne again.

For more information on acne as well as how you can cure your acne, visit the url below:
Acne and Adult Acne Information Regards.
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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Acne Light Treatment

By Ken Black

Did you know that millions of people who suffer from acne today? Hundreds of thousands of teenagers are included in this group. Estimation shows that one in twenty people have some degree of acne. It can be a devastating skin disorder for those who suffer from severe acne. In the past, acne was considered only a teenage disorder. However, this is not true. In fact, many more adults have acne than teenagers do.

Acne affects more than just the skin, since many individuals with acne suffer not only the physical pain of the disorder, but self-consciousness, depression and embarrassment as well. Simply wandering around in public is a struggle for many individuals. The pain they feel is overwhelmingly severe as the pain from ridicule is vast. For those in school, the taunting of others creates intensive emotional distress for their appearance.

Unfortunately, many individuals with severe acne become reclusive, never appearing in public. They fear that others will stare and laugh at them. Acne causes physical problems as well as emotional turmoil.

Experts have no idea why acne affects some individuals and not others. The cause of acne lingers in many myths. In the past, it was considered that acne was caused by diets, rich in greasy foods, although this has been proven untrue. However, acne is caused by dirt and oil blocking the skins follicles. Consequently, bacteria form and grow.

Acne is cause by oil and dirt blocking follicles under the skin. This causes bacteria to form and grow thereby producing acne. Severe acne can cause permanent scarring; therefore, it is vital that acne be treated early.

Several methods of treatment that may be effective in treating acne, however it is not curable. Medical procedures that can help to alleviate the symptoms of acne as well as prescriptions or over the counter medications are available. Acne light treatment, also known as phototherapy is one that offers superb results.

This is a simple process however, it may sound complicated. Either blue or red wavelength of light is employed to reduce the bacteria that cause acne in a specific area. This red or blue light then creates free radicals in the bacteria, once they reach a specific level; they are able to conquer the bacteria that then die.

An ointment, ALA is applied to the area affected prior to the laser light treatment. This increases the levels of porphyrin in bacteria, whereupon free radicals are increased. The results are unparalleled when combined with light therapy. Studies show that when exposed to the blue light therapy, porphyrins increase the level of oxygen, thereby destroying the bacteria.

The greatest method to treating acne thus far, has come with the development of acne light therapy. The results are astonishing when using acne light therapy, as there are no side effects. With many traditional treatments, bacteria often have a capability to become immune to these medications as they build up a level of tolerance against them. However, there is no chance of bacteria becoming resistant to the light, when using acne light therapy.

The most beneficial thing about using acne light therapy is that you can do it yourself in the comforts of your own home or you can have a Dermatologist do the procedure for you. Keep in mind that this procedure is quite expensive while visiting a Dermatologist. Acne light treatment is considered a cosmetic procedure that is not covered by the majority of insurance providers and it does call for daily multiple treatments. However, this problem does have a solution.

You can locate a phototherapy lamp online or for purchase by the general public. Since they are especially created for the treatment of acne, they are available with single colored light or even both colored lights.

Phototherapy lamps have an added advantage of being available with up to three lamp heads. Three lamp heads are beneficial in covering a larger area. You spend less time treating acne with a phototherapy lamp with three lamp heads.

It is essential to select the colored lights as both provide the maximum effect recommendation. Each color features a different purpose, for instance the design of the blue light is to eliminate bacteria forming under the skin, while the design of the red light encourages the growth of new cells while aiding in the process of healing.

Did you know that acne could grow on every part of your body, although it is most commonly found on the face, neck and head areas? Phototherapy lamps are useful for all areas of the body to treat acne, unlike astringents and creams.

Preventing acne is so much easier and quicker by using an acne treatment lamp. Recommended use is two daily treatments of 15 minutes each. The results are astonishing. Keep in mind if you are prone to sunburn or have sensitive skin, an acne treatment lamp is not recommended for your use.

Before being offered on an open market all treatments must be approved in the United States by the FDA. The FDA only grants approval for such products after they pass incredibly intense and time-consuming testing. Acne light therapy lamps are treatment methods approved by the FDA.

Although it is not instant, acne light therapy is a most successful treatment. In most cases it takes 3 months to notice results. To keep the bacteria under control, continual use of light therapy is recommended.

Ken Black is the owner of Skin Care Reviews. Visit us for reviews on the best acne treatments.
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Acne Natural Cure - Easy and Effective Ways to Stop Acne

By Tanya Turner

Have you ever wondered what people used to treat acne before all cleansers and antibiotics appeared on the market? With so many acne medications available online and from a local supermarket, many people don’t even think of acne natural cure. However, most commercial cleansers are harsh on your face, not to mention that trying several of them to find the right one for you would cost a fortune. You would be surprised how many products from an average person kitchen can serve as effective natural acne cure.

There are many natural acne remedies; the only trick is to find one that would work for your skin type. Unfortunately, here you will have to experiment and see what works and what doesn’t. We offer you several recipes of acne home treatment. Try them and see which will help to clear your skin.

Natural acne remedies to clean your skin
A wash of milk with lime is a great treatment for blackheads. First bring a glass of milk to a gentle boil, and then add juice from half a lime. When the milk cools down it makes a great face wash. You can store it in the fridge for a couple days.

A raw potato is cheap and brilliant acne natural cure, especially for whiteheads. The vitamin C makes your skin glow, and alkaline in the potato kills the bacteria on your face. The potato also has an exfoliating effect helping you to get rid of dead skin cells. Papaya fruit produces similar effect; you should also use it raw.

Natural moisturizers for skin with acne problem
Remember, that even the most gentle and natural products to clean your face leave your skin a bit dry, so it needs a moisturizer. Almond oil is an excellent way to re-hydrate skin after using an acne natural cleanser. Grind 7-8 almond nuts (not fried of course) with a little bit of water. Spread the paste on your face and let it stay for a few minutes. Then gently wash it off with water. Another good natural moisturizer is buttermilk or low fat, non flavored yogurt.

One important thing to remember about all natural acne remedies as well as all natural skin care products, is that since you don’t use any preservatives, you will have to store them in a fridge. It is also best to use it within 2-3 days, otherwise the product starts spoiling and you can infect your skin and make acne problem even worth.

Some people think that acne is related to your diet. Pizza, chocolate and other foods with a lot of oil are blamed, but in fact there is no evidence that foods cause acne or make them worse. However, adding fresh fruit to your diet seems to help many people to clrear their faces. Possible reason is vatamins and minirals that fresh fruit contains. So keep that in mind, and next time you feel like a snask have an apple not a cooki.

Of course you can’t expect to get rid of your acne in a few days, natural cure always takes a little time to work. But if you are persistent, you will get blemish free skin and will not experience any dangerous side effects that commercial acne medicine has.

Acne Treatments Guide explains and compares effective acne treatments and helps you find acne products that would be right for your skin.
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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Acne - Natural Cures

By Michael Russell

Many times mild to moderate acne can be treated naturally. Natural treatment involves no harsh medications, such as Accutane, that can cause serious and harmful side effects. Natural treatment involves adjusting the lifestyle to get rid of toxins in the body that are causing acne breakouts. Natural treatments also use herbs to help jump-start the workings of the liver and other cleansing organs to help cleanse your body.

Acne is caused by either hormonal imbalances, such as the acne that occurs during pregnancy, or the pores being clogged by a substance known as sebum. Many people think of acne as a problem of adolescence, but it is becoming increasingly a problem of adults as well. Acne is usually found on the face, shoulders, neck and back. If it is bad enough, acne can cause terrible scarring.

Several natural occurrences can cause breakouts or worsening of acne. When a woman gets her menstrual cycle, the hormonal changes premenstrually can cause an acne flair-up. Some prescription medications, specifically those designed to change hormonal levels, can cause acne. Obesity is another cause, due to the change in the hormones associated with being overweight. Stress is another factor. A poor diet, especially one high in sugars and trans fatty acids is yet another cause.

One of the first areas to target to help cure acne is the diet. Unprocessed foods are the best possible foods for those who wish to combat acne. Vegetables and fruit should make up a large portion of the diet. Refined sugar and fried foods should be avoided whenever possible. Milk products can be another problem, as well as hydrogenated vegetable oil. Avoid these things and increase the consumption of water and fiber. Those suffering from acne should monitor their bowel movements and strive to consume enough fiber eventually to have a bowel movement with every meal. This helps eliminate the toxins in the body that can lead to acne.

There are also several vitamins and herbs that help to stimulate the body to cleanse itself and get rid of the unsightly acne. Vitamin A helps the body reduce the production of sebum. On popular and dangerous, prescription drug, Accutane, is a high dose of vitamin A. The problem with this drug is that it can cause severe birth defects if a woman who is taking it becomes pregnant and it can also lead to depression in teenagers. It is better to take an over-the-counter Vitamin A supplement.

Zinc also helps to prevent acne, as well as heal current breakouts. Zinc helps to regulate the hormonal imbalances that can cause acne. Vitamin B6 is another helpful vitamin, particularly for women suffering from menstrual acne breakouts. The herbs sarsaparilla, yellow dock, cleavers and burdock take together help clear the body of lymph infections and therefore of acne. Tea tree oil can be applied directly to acne spots to help reduce the pain and appearance of the problem.

Sometimes those who suffer from acne find relief from massage treatments. The process of improving circulation to the affected areas often helps reduce the acne breakouts. Finally, reducing the stress in your life can help take away your acne. Relaxation techniques work to this effect.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Acne
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Cure Of Acne

By Robert Kokoska

Most people believe that you can only reduce the symptoms of acne. Creams are available to wash the face, reduce swelling, hide pimples and none of these products do anything to really treat your acne.
Are you one of those people who have used different acne products for months and even years and never really saw a dramatic result? I'm one of them. I would always make sure I washed my face twice a day and applied clearasil three or more times a day, but I would always wake up with new pimples.

Even though the products never did anything for me, I still believed that they were better than using nothing at all. So what do all the products have in common? Most of them are external treatments of acne. Most kill the germs that are on your face and clean out the excess oil.

Germs and oil are causes of acne but only if your pores become blocked and your oil glands are producing too much oil which is the food of the germs. You produce too much oil if you have hormonal problems. Pores become blocked from dirt and toxins being released through the skin.
So the most effective treatment for acne would be to get your hormones under control and to detox your body at the same time. How do you do both at the same time? By fasting on foods such as apples. The fiber in apples absorbs toxins and cleans out the intestines at the same time.
Your hormones will come under control because your liver can now deal with them properly as before they were too busy eliminating toxins. The reason why most adolescents get acne is because they have more hormones in their bodies than adults and are more prone to oily skin.

Would you like to learn about a 3 day diet plan that has cured thousands of people around the world of acne?

It's considered one of the best internal cleansing methods and also one of the easiest. It's called: Acne Free in 3 Days.
Click here for more info -->
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Sunday, August 26, 2007

How To Cure Acne – The Golden Tips

By Robert Sheehan

Acne is the most dreaded skin disease in the entire world. Only in the United States most individuals suffer from acne. Acne is caused by the excess production of sebum, a particular type of oil secreted through the sebaceous glands. Although this skin problem comes into being in puberty it invariably affects all ages, genders and races. In this discussion, you will find best ways on how to cure acne.

No matter what the cause is that leads to your acne problem, you must find out the ways that can cure them. To combat acne, you can either opt for medications or natural remedies. An easy natural treatment to cure acne is by applying a honey mask. Honey has antibacterial properties, which takes care of those small blemishes. Make sure that you use acne soap twice a day most definitely. And you can’t do it without a potent multi-vitamin and not to mention a chromium supplement.

You need Vitamin A as it reinforces the protective tissue of the skin, thus preventing acne and what’s more it aids to lessen sebum production. Try not to wear make up for it adds to your skin problem. Water is a magic potion for your skin; so do drink as much of water as you can. Homemade treatments can help rejuvenate your skin and fight bacteria. Tea tree oil, tomatoes, lemon, cucumber, turmeric, lime, oats, honey, and orange are some of the natural remedies that you can look forward to.

If you go in for non-prescription remedies, try the lotions that hold benzoyl peroxide. It helps to dehydrate the skin so as to shed the surface layer of dead skin. Azelaic acid can be an excellent alternative to benzoyl peroxide. Besides that, topical retinoids, which are medicines, based on Vitamin A can be totally effective as well.

A Dermatologist Can Help You get Rid From Acne
You can also choose oral antibiotics i.e. tablets for inflammatory acne. It requires you to consume it daily for around 3 months. And if nothing works out for your severe skin condition then the best you can do is consult a general physician or a skin specialist. Your doctor will try his level best to provide proper acne treatment. If not medication then laser treatment can surely revive your skin condition.

Acne is embarrassing at times, frustrating most times, always painful and ever so difficult to handle. So you can very well imagine how life would be without acne if you follow the above tips.

Robert Sheehan is a freelance writer and co-owner of Visit Robert And read more about treating acne at
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Friday, August 24, 2007

Acne Natural Cure - Easy and Effective Ways to Stop Acne

By Tanya Turner

Have you ever wondered what people used to treat acne before all cleansers and antibiotics appeared on the market? With so many acne medications available online and from a local supermarket, many people don’t even think of acne natural cure. However, most commercial cleansers are harsh on your face, not to mention that trying several of them to find the right one for you would cost a fortune. You would be surprised how many products from an average person kitchen can serve as effective natural acne cure.

There are many natural acne remedies; the only trick is to find one that would work for your skin type. Unfortunately, here you will have to experiment and see what works and what doesn’t. We offer you several recipes of acne home treatment. Try them and see which will help to clear your skin.

Natural acne remedies to clean your skin
A wash of milk with lime is a great treatment for blackheads. First bring a glass of milk to a gentle boil, and then add juice from half a lime. When the milk cools down it makes a great face wash. You can store it in the fridge for a couple days.
A raw potato is cheap and brilliant acne natural cure, especially for whiteheads. The vitamin C makes your skin glow, and alkaline in the potato kills the bacteria on your face. The potato also has an exfoliating effect helping you to get rid of dead skin cells. Papaya fruit produces similar effect; you should also use it raw.

Natural moisturizers for skin with acne problem
Remember, that even the most gentle and natural products to clean your face leave your skin a bit dry, so it needs a moisturizer. Almond oil is an excellent way to re-hydrate skin after using an acne natural cleanser. Grind 7-8 almond nuts (not fried of course) with a little bit of water. Spread the paste on your face and let it stay for a few minutes. Then gently wash it off with water. Another good natural moisturizer is buttermilk or low fat, non flavored yogurt.

One important thing to remember about all natural acne remedies as well as all natural skin care products, is that since you don’t use any preservatives, you will have to store them in a fridge. It is also best to use it within 2-3 days, otherwise the product starts spoiling and you can infect your skin and make acne problem even worth.

Some people think that acne is related to your diet. Pizza, chocolate and other foods with a lot of oil are blamed, but in fact there is no evidence that foods cause acne or make them worse. However, adding fresh fruit to your diet seems to help many people to clrear their faces. Possible reason is vatamins and minirals that fresh fruit contains. So keep that in mind, and next time you feel like a snask have an apple not a cookie.

Of course you can’t expect to get rid of your acne in a few days, natural cure always takes a little time to work. But if you are persistent, you will get blemish free skin and will not experience any dangerous side effects that commercial acne medicine has.

Acne Treatments Guide explains and compares effective acne treatments and helps you find acne products that would be right for your skin.
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Monday, August 20, 2007

Can A Dermatologist Cure Your Acne?

By Kat Daez

When dealing with mild kinds of acne breakouts, certain home-based remedies such as fruit-based masks and using medicated cleansers can potentially help lessen the effects of acne. You can also try to use OTC medications containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, since these medicines can help eliminate the pimple-causing bacteria and remove stubborn blackheads.

If your condition, however, seems to get worse, or is already a moderate or severe kind of acne to begin with, it's time to see an expert for the proper treatment. In some cases, acne is caused by an imbalance of hormones, especially if there is too much testosterone and androgen, male hormones that can trigger excess oil production. When dealing with these types of condition, you can consult a dermatologist or a doctor specializing in hormonal imbalances.

Some people with acne experience depression because of the profound repercussions of a blemish-filled skin on their psyche. These people tend to isolate themselves or stay away from their friends because they fear criticisms based on their physical appearances. When you are experiencing symptoms of depression because of your breakouts, it's time to talk to a dermatologist for the proper treatment and to a psychologist to help improve your self-confidence.

Expert help is also needed if you're dealing with acne scars. Big lesions can only be cosmetically removed and treated by a certified dermatologist since improper treatment may cause additional infection or might make the scar bigger and deeper.
In some women, pregnancy can actually make them prone to breakouts because of the hormonal changes that are happening as the body prepares itself for the growing fetus. If pregnancy could be the cause of your breakouts, you definitely need to talk to a dermatologist since certain medications for acne are not safe for an unborn child.

You can also visit a dermatologist if you want to know more about other medications used for acne or you want to understand the underlying factors behind your breakouts. Moreover, dermatologists are doctors trained to handle an array of skin problems that can range from simple allergic reactions to severe and disfiguring kinds of acne. Your dermatologist can prescribe stronger antibiotics and treatments if your acne is severe. They can also fully explain to you the benefits and possible risks of certain acne medications since some of these drugs can cause serious unwanted effects.

Dermatologists can also be good sources of skincare tips to help prevent acne breakouts They are also always updated about the latest acne therapies and can therefore give you a fact-based opinion regarding the latest treatments.
Some people think that the proper time to visit a doctor is when their breakouts have become worse, with scars and lesions already present. However, experts suggest that visiting a dermatologist before scars or lesions could even develop is the perfect time. There are now many available treatments and medications that can help prevent the formation of permanent acne scars.

If you want to read more about what dermatologists can do to cure your acne and when to consult them, visit
Kat Daez is an in-house writer for an online media company, Intelligraph Corporation. She currently writes articles about acne and its various medications.
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Saturday, August 18, 2007

5 Steps for Successful Laser Acne Treatment

By Karen Garmon

Laser acne treatment has gained a considerable amount of popularity among teenagers and adults who suffer from moderate to severe acne and acne scarring. There are a number of reasons why it has become popular, but before you rush into making a decision to use laser acne treatment, learn as much as you can about the procedure first. There are steps you ought to take prior to receiving laser treatments if you choose to use them, as well as steps you ought to take afterwards. This will increase the likelihood that laser acne treatment will be as effective as you had hoped.

Step 1: Learn as much as you can about laser acne treatment. There is nothing wrong with educating yourself about a particular medical procedure prior to making a decision whether or not it is right for you. Laser acne treatment is a relatively simple, commonly performed outpatient procedure and there is a lot of existing information available to you. There are a large number of informative web sites with good descriptions of the types of laser treatments available, the types of acne and acne scars best suited for laser acne treatment, and what to expect during a laser acne treatment procedure. If you do not have access to the Internet, or your Internet access is occasional, you will also be able to find information about the different aspects of laser acne treatment at your local library.

Step 2: Find the right dermatologist. A dermatologist, or skin doctor, is a specialist who treats a variety of common and uncommon skin diseases. To find a qualified provider in your area, you can look up websites that contain a list of board-certified dermatologists. Once you have identified one or more dermatologists, you may want to call your state's medical board to find out if anyone has filed any complaints against them. If you have friends who see a dermatologist, you may want to ask their opinion and if they would recommend him or her. Once you have made an initial consultation appointment with a provider who offers laser acne treatment, you will want to make sure you feel you can communicate with him or her comfortably and easily. You will also want to make sure your provider takes you seriously and answers all of your questions.

Step 3: Keep all of your appointments and follow your dermatologist's instructions. Laser acne treatment generally involves multiple appointments, not just one. Your dermatologist may want you to come in for three, four, or five treatments, spaced two to three weeks apart. In addition, he or she may instruct you to limit your sun exposure for two weeks prior to your treatments, as well as limit your sun exposure during the course of your treatments and for two weeks after your treatments are done.

Step 4: Continue to take of your skin as you are undergoing treatment. Also, do not hesitate to speak up for yourself during your treatment. Your dermatologist may prescribe additional medications for you while you are undergoing laser acne treatment. If you have any questions about these medications, do speak up. In addition, if the procedure is uncomfortable, let your dermatologist know. Laser acne treatment is not supposed to be painful. However, some have compared the laser's sensation to a rubber band snapping on their skin. Others have described it as a tingling sensation. You can ask your dermatologist to apply a topical anesthetic before the procedure.

Step 5: Continue taking care of your skin once the laser acne treatment is over. If your dermatologist has prescribed other medications for you, keep taking them. In addition, continue to follow a good skin care regiment at home. It is important to remember that laser acne treatment is not a cure-all, and does not get rid of acne forever.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only, and is not meant to serve as medical advice. For medical advice, please consult your doctor.
To learn more, visit, if you are looking for information on laser acne treatments
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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Keep Acne Away - Easy Tips To Cure Acne Naturally

By Joann Grant

Acne is a painful occurrence and we all wish to cease them as soon as we see them. A number of acne treatments are available today, but they are, after all, treatments. They can, at best, treat acne for some time but acne can be both avoided and cured by other natural methods such as exercising and proper diet. Natural cures are, by far the best and most practical acne cures. They bring no side effects with them.

A school of thought that favors natural acne treatment believes that medicinal applications do work but they cure acne temporarily. Only natural supplements and antioxidants have been proved helpful in healing acne problems permanently. Therefore, you need not go for medicines like accutane and benzoyl peroxide. Besides, they also have side effects like redness of skin and irritation in few cases.

Right types of food help in treating acne problems more effectively. The right kind of diet includes Vitamin A and Vitamin B6 in addition to minerals like zinc and chromium. These minerals are found in vegetables and fruits.
In order to remove toxins from your body and to avoid being dehydrated take no less than 8 glasses of water every day. If you are suffering from acne problems, avoid fried stuff like pizza, French fries and snacks.
Stress, one of the major causes of acne problem, can be treated with the help of exercise, as it helps the muscles to relax and burns excess fat on your body. Stress can also be relieved with the help of other techniques like meditation and yoga. A happy and stress-free life goes a long way in ensuring acne free life.

Besides the right diet and a routine of exercise, also inculcate some good habits, like washing your hands before you touch your face. Also, wash your hair frequently in order to avoid acne. If you are among the more fashion conscious ladies, it is better not to use excessive cosmetics on your face, and even if you have to, make sure that the make up is not on for extended period of time. Try to cut down or stop your intake of alcohol and quit smoking.

These are a few things that you can do to avoid acne, and if you are already suffering from it, they help a great deal in getting rid of the problem.
To know more about how to treat acne and acne medicines visit
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Cure Your Acne Naturally Now

By Helen Hecker

Almost 100% of people between the ages of twelve and seventeen have at least occasional breakouts of whiteheads, blackheads or a pimple, now and then. Living with acne can be very difficult, and even more difficult to find just the right acne treatment for you. Many people needlessly suffer from acne because of a lack of knowledge or understanding.

Several factors have been suggested that may influence acne including diet, menstruation, sweating, UV radiation, stress, and occupation. Most pimples are found on the face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders. For most people, acne goes away by age 30, but people in their forties and fifties still suffer from acne. Nearly 17 million people in the United States have acne.

The cause of acne is unknown and there is still much to be learned. As time goes by, more research may help determine just how male and female hormones influence acne and the role diet plays. If you've heard that dirty skin causes acne, it doesn't - it's a myth.

A skin specialist in New York is using the new red light-blue light combination therapy to treat severe cases of acne successfully; ask your skin doctor or dermatologist if he's familiar with it. The treatment plan for acne includes trying to heal the pimples, stopping new pimples from forming, preventing scarring and helping reduce embarrassment. For the best acne treatment, which has worked for many, apply virgin coconut oil to the area daily; try it on a small test area for a day or two first.

Make sure not to use hot water on your face, always use lukewarm water. It's always best to seek non-invasive and natural treatment for any skin condition. Raw apple cider vinegar application to the skin is a cheap, alternative acne treatment that has worked for many adults, teens and children with acne, zits, pimples, or blemishes.

Use exercise such as Yoga and Tai Chi to improve blood flow to the skin and support the healing process; it also boosts the condition of your internal organs which allows them to eliminate toxins more effectively. Any makeup you use should list on the label non-acnegenic or non-comedogenic. Use papaya and the seeds for exfoliating.

Treatment with raw apple cider vinegar will work better on your skin if it isn't already noticeably irritated from acne medicines, acne products or other failed treatment. Remember, that even the most gentle and natural products you might use to clean your face can leave your skin a bit dry; use coconut oil as an excellent way to re-hydrate the skin after using any acne commercial or natural cleanser. Make sure to stay out of the sun if you're taking any acne medications.

Shave carefully and try both electric and safety razors to see which works best for you. Try relaxation techniques to reduce stress, including meditation and yoga breathing exercises.
People with skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, and psoriasis often suffer from constipation; if you are, make sure you're drinking lots of water every day and add more natural fiber from raw fruits to your diet. Essential fatty acids are particularly important to people with inflammatory conditions such as eczema and acne. Whether you eat a natural diet of living fruits and vegetables or eat dead junk food, what you eat may have a direct or indirect affect on the male hormones which may or may not play some part in acne.

When your liver gets overloaded with toxins it'll send the toxins out through your skin as well as other organs of elimination. In any case, no matter what skin or acne treatment you choose, whether it's chemical, drugs, alternative, or natural methods, changing your diet alone will be the best treatment you can do for your acne and you'll achieve overall good health in the process.

Put two tablespoons of coconut oil in your all fruit smoothies and blend. When the skin is dehydrated, dead skin cells remain on the skin which may block pores and promote acne; drink plenty of water. Good clear skin is often a reflection of a good digestive system.
Concentrating on a diet, of mostly fruits and vegetables (preferably uncooked), and no junk food, should give you an observable improvement in your skin within 30 days. For an easy fiber boost, mix in two tablespoons of ground up flaxseeds into raw applesauce, from two to three apples, made in your food processor.

Fortunately, many people have discovered through trial and error how to cure their acne. Naturally you can't expect to get rid of your acne in just a few days; natural treatments take a little time to work; but if you're persistent, you'll get blemish-free skin and won't experience any dangerous side effects that you find in commercial acne medicines. There are many acne products on the market today, some are good, some are cheap and some are not good or cheap; no one knows but you what will work for you.

For more information on natural treatments for acne and acne light therapy, go to Helen Hecker R.N.'s website specializing in acne, pimples and skin disorders with tips, advice and resources for adults, teens, and babies, including information on acne scar treatments
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Friday, August 10, 2007

Can Omega 3's Cure Acne?

By Jane Locke

What really works against acne? Do Omega-3 oils really work?
The quick answer is yes. This fish oil does help stop breakouts by creating prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are lipids that as a group are important for helping cells thrive. One thing they do is help regulate the production of androgens, those hormones that cause too much sebum oil to be created which in turn lead to acne.

Prostaglandins are very important to body functions but they are short lived. Omega-3 is considered an essential fatty acid because while essential for humans, the body itself cannot manufacture it. Instead, it has to be consumed as part of a person’s diet. Researchers know that a small amount of it is required for children to experience normal growth. Sadly, americans are typically lacking in consuming enough Omega-3 fatty acids to experience their important benefits.

The three major types of Omega-3 fatty acids are the alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). ALA is converted to EPA and DHA. Benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids beyond helping to control acne outbreaks include promoting a stronger immune system, increasing the quality of your skin, and helping wounds heal quicker. They are connected with brain functions. Some studies have even linked Omega-3 fatty acids to better behavior from children.

Much has been written about the importance of following a Mediterranean diet. This type of diet does in fact lead to a greater intake of foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Following are a list of foods rich in Omega-3’s.
Flax-seed oil
Dark leafy green vegetables such as spinach
Sesame seeds

You can also get your Omega-3 fatty acids by taking a supplement. The recommended dosage of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil supplements should be 3000 to 4000 mg a day. However, it is important that you speak to your doctor before taking this or other supplements. He or she can look at any current medications you might be taking and warn you of any interactions. You should also speak to him or her about the side effects of Omega 3 supplements including possible bleeding issues among other issues.

It is important to note that Omega-6 fatty acids, another form of essential fatty acids, need to balanced with Omega-3’s. Americans tend to consume many more foods rich in Omega 6 fatty acids than Omega-3’s. That is because linoleic acid is high in Omega 6 fatty acids and is part of many commonly used cooking oils. Therefore, it is important to try and keep a ratio between Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids closer to 4 to 1.

In the end, increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids will not only help control your acne outbreaks but will also increase your general health and wellness. From preventing strokes to helping with weight loss to fighting the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, Omega-3 fatty acids can truly make a difference for you.

Jane Locke is an author who has written on numerous topics. In her youth she suffered from acne and tried far too many products and ideas that were supposed to work. Jane finally found through trial and error that changing her diet truly did make a difference. Today her skin is clear and she has a much greater sense of health and well-being. To learn more ways to fight acne, access her website by clicking the following link:
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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Best Treatment for Moderate Acne - Is Natural the Answer?

By Hillary Williams

Acne used to be a big burden on my life. I would not go out in public and I sure wasn’t going to be seen out with friends with my acne. I just wanted to stay home all of the time and be to myself. I even stopped talking to my friends because I thought that they would ask me to go out somewhere with them. I hated the way I looked. Acne was taking over my life.

Moderate acne can be very frustrating and very stressful. I would always avoid mirrors because I didn’t want to see all of that acne over and over. Then one day I realized that I needed to overcome this condition and start living again. We are only on this earth once and I wanted to have fun.

I continued on my treatments that the doctor prescribed only to be let down. Then I started looking into some natural remedies for acne. I was determined to find something that worked. I tired a lot of the common things online like cucumber masks, lemon skin and warm water, and honey. These things do work, and you can find how to use them in my other articles, but they didn’t work really well for me. I needed something that would work fast and continue to work every day.

Sure, I still get zits and sometimes I even get a couple at a time, but now I can say that I am pretty much acne free. I am able to go out with friends without trying to hide my face. I can say that my stress levels are as low as they have ever been in my life. I feel so good that I was finally able to get rid of my acne problems.

With the proper treatment and proper care of your skin you can get rid of moderate acne naturally. You don’t have to worry about nasty side effects, and you don’t have to worry that your skin is going to dry out. Natural treatments are designed to work with your body to get rid of the toxins that cause acne. You need to watch your diet, wash your skin properly, and know when to do what when caring for acne. Don’t guess and keep trying different things. This can actually cause your acne to get worse. I especially want to tell you to stop popping your pimples. This can spread the bacteria, and can push the pus down farther and cause cystic acne. Then you could have severe acne.

Did you know that you can Get Rid of Acne Fast and Naturally? It worked for me, and I can just about guarantee that it will work for you. Check out the Best Treatment for Moderate Acne
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Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Natural Acne Treatment - What You Need To Know

By Oliver Turner
Natural acne treatments – or acne cure natural ways – are simple, effective and costs effective. Further, as acne cure natural ways involves some simple adjustments in one's daily lifestyle, one need not have to take the prescription of a doctor to do so. In the following paragraphs, we’ll see how acne can be reined in through some easy ways.

Acne cure natural ways starts from one’s eating habits itself. Scientific studies have proved that acne is aggravated by consuming oily and fatty food items in excess. Hence the best way to check acne is to control one’s own diet. An ideal diet – in this context - should contain more fruits and vegetables while all sorts of milk products, oily foods, sugar items, and other junk foods are a strict no-no.

But it may be difficult to figure out a standard diet for acne patients as each person’s body responds to food items in a different way. Therefore it is the duty of the person concerned to find out which all food items are causing troubles to his/her own skin and stop eating it forever or until the acne symptoms subsides.

Few researches attribute some connection between stress, lack of sleep and acne. If you believe in that theory, take care to allot more time to rest and relax and enjoy a sound sleep. Taking a shower before hitting the sack is also advisable as it cleans and hydrates the skin and hair, meanwhile serving to relax the body as a whole.

For some, the gel or cream they apply on their hair is known to trigger acne. These chemicals get deposited on the pillow cover when the person sleeps and eventually ends up on the facial skin. If troubled by such instances, take care to change the pillow covers often.

But the best acne cure natural ways is to clean the skin with a suitable glycerin soap and a soft brush daily. This will help to cleanse the skin and remove the dirt from the pores before any infection sets in. In normal cases, cleansing once in a day will serve the purpose. But if a person’s skin is oilier, try facial cleansing twice a day.

To an extent acne can be prevented by taking the above mentioned acne cure natural ways or natural cures for acne. But if the symptoms persist, don’t hesitate to consult a physician for further treatments. There can be instances in which acne cure natural ways may not yield expected results.

We have made a research to find the best acne treatments. Find the results only on the How to get rid of acne naturally guide

More valuable acne info on Best way to get rid of acne research.

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Diet as a Natural Treatment for Acne

The skin is the largest organ of the body and it helps other organs with eliminating waste. One of the best acne treatments is a diet which will help the body eliminate waste so that it won't interfere with your skin and cause acne. If you are unhealthy on the inside it will be reflected in your skin.

It is the liver's job to remove hormones from the body. If your liver can't remove hormones fast enough you will end up with too much oil in your skin because hormones are like an instruction manual telling your skin to produce more oil. The function of the liver is also to get rid of toxins. If there is an over-load of toxins in your body, the liver can have problems removing hormones.

So what toxins concern acne sufferes the most? Mycotoxins. These nasty little chemicals are the 'excreted' waste of bacteria such as yeast, and usually found in the intestines. Mycotoxins put a strain on your liver and you already know what happens when your liver doesn't get rid of hormones!
Using diet alone as a natural acne treatment was not as bad as I had thought it would be. There are many foods that help the liver and help remove waste from the body.

What foods are good for cleaning the body? Two of the best foods are apples and psyllium husks. They both contain fibers that act like a broom and absorb and push out all the junk that's stuck in your intestines, sometimes stuff that has even been there for many years! The 'junk' is also the perfect breeding ground for the bacteria that produce mycotoxins.

And what foods are good for helping the liver? Beetroot. Beetroot is known for it's exceptional liver cleansing properties. Another good food, or herb actually, is milk thistle. Scientific studies have suggested that certain chemicals in milk thistle protect the liver from damage caused by viruses, toxins and alcohol.

To cure your acne, you need to correct the problems inside your body that are causing your acne. No over-the-counter creams can do this. They can only kill bacteria on your face and help reduce the redness.

Would you like to learn about a 3 day diet plan that has cured thousands of people around the world of acne?
It's considered one of the best internal cleansing methods and also one of the easiest. It's called: Acne Free in 3 Days.
Click here for more info -->
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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Cure Acne Naturally

By Andrea Simpson

Acne control the natural way
Want to get rid of those nasty zits in your face but you have a low on budget? How about looking for acne control to avoid the sudden appearance of acne in your skin? So how do we do this?

So, what is acne? Acne is a skin disorder caused by the hormones action on the oil glands of the skin, called the sebaceous glands. The excretion of oils from these glands can lead to congested skin pores. This is when acne occurs. The face, neck, chest, back and shoulders are where the glands are most profuse, so acne is more likely to be found in these locations.

There are lots of factors that can generate acne to flare up. First is our Genes. Genetics cannot be changed but other factors like our daily routine and the way we take care of our skin can be improved to control acne. Do not feel so sad about your acne because there are lots of things you can do within your daily diet to help.

1. Include Fruits and Vegetables in your daily Diet. A healthy diet consists of at least four to five servings of fruits and vegetables. Acne control will be a lot easier if you start including this in your daily habit.
2. Rose water can be used as a facial cleanser. Dipped in a cotton pad, clean your face using this everyday at least two to three times each day.
3. Do not wait for your pimples to form. If you see the first sign of them on your face, then act straight away. Acne control is best done early. Pat some ice on the affected area as this will help keep the swelling down.
4. Acne control is easier when accompanied with a selection of multivitamins. Start taking vitamins that contain a zinc supplement. Zinc helps in making your skin stronger and acne resistant.
5. Cucumber can also help in acne control. Blend it with some water to form a mask. Put it on your face and leave it for half an hour before rinsing it off. This is a good and affordable acne control remedy that will also refresh your skin.
6. Use only mild soaps and avoid soaps that contains petroleum based products and animal based ingredient as this causes your skin to get dry and irritated.
7. Using alcohol free facial cleansers makes Acne control trouble-free. Alcohol tends to dry your skin.
8. Makeup also encourages the occurrence of acne. So choose your makeup wisely. Most of the makeup available contains petroleum based ingredients that makes skin dry. An all natural makeup helps acne control become more effortless.
9. Lastly, Drinking loads of water is very important. It flushes out the dirt in our body making acne control more natural.

Conclusion The above are some of the easiest and most natural ways to control acne without too much cost. Specialist skin products are always around for you to choose from but these products can be very costly. And of course natural remedies do not have any side-effects which some of the more expensive chemical based products can have.
Acne Skin Care Treatment Products is an online resource for the best Acne treatment products from fellow sufferers.
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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Acne Zits: They Don't Have To Be There Forever

By Nathalie Fiset

How to get rid of zits and pimples overnight is virtually impossible, but there are certainly ways to reduce the incidence of zits very quickly, and within a few short days see a marked improvement.

Firstly, never be tempted to squeeze or pop a zit. All you are doing is causing skin damage, with the added possibility of skin scarring. Do not do it - that is not how to get rid of zits and pimples overnight.

Zits are most common among teenagers and are caused when excess oil (sebum) on the skin blocks up the skin pores causing zits. It is common in teenagers because at this stage of life their body is going through many hormonal changes and this imbalance in the oil producing glands can cause too much oil to be produced leading to zits.

Unfortunately it is not possible to alter this hormonal imbalance as it is a naturally occurring aspect of puberty, but it is possible to alleviate the external factors that encourage the formation of zits.

Also, hormones are not the only factor involved in zit formation. Zits can be traced along hereditary lines, so a family history of zits can increase the chances of young members in that family having zits during puberty.

Zits do not occur as a result of stress or from eating chocolate and greasy food and it is not an infectious disease - they cannot be transmitted by touch.

There is no real way to prevent zits but there are a few simply strategies for dealing with zits.
Step 1 is to keep your face clean. This means free of excess oil and free of dead skin cells and perspiration. To do this you need a non-oily cleanser and an exfoliate scrub. First use the scrub, but do not use it roughly - very gently clean the skin first with the scrub and then the cleanser. Wash your face with lots of water after this, leaving it perfectly clean and free of the products, and then pat your face dry. This whole process must be done gently - scrubbing at zits will not make them go away, but will in fact damage the surrounding skin with possible scarring.

Then you should apply a product that will dry the skin a little, such as 2.5% hydrogen peroxide. Let it dry on the skin. Repeat this process each morning and evening and you will get rid of your zits overnight.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Back Acne - Causes and Cures

By Kevin Nelson

Nearly all of us have had to deal with acne at some point in our lives. This embarrassing skin problem usually affects the face or quite possibly the neck or down the chest. However some people also develop acne breakouts on their back, usually in the form of pimples, blackheads or other forms of acne similar to what develops on other areas of the body.

Much like facial acne, there is no single cause for the formation of acne on the back. However, experts presume that its formation might be due to the same type of factors as facial acne or other forms of acne, which are possibly causes by overproduction of the sebaceous glands around puberty or during other times when our body experiences significant hormonal changes.
However other factors might contribute to the formation of acne on the back which are specific factors to acne development on this area of the body. For instance, tight clothing might be one possible culprit. By wearing tight clothing, this forces perspiration from the skin to be trapped against your skin which can lead to irritation. Also carrying a heavy bag or backpack can also cause irritation in areas where the strap presses against the back and shoulders. Irritation causes by the rubbing motion of carrying such a bag can cause some people to develop back acne.

Another thing that makes back acne different than other forms of acne is that what you eat doesn't appear to have as much of an affect on acne development on this region of the body as it does in the case of facial acne. Although if you have back acne you might also have acne in other places where diet might play a role in acne development. In addition, since there's no conclusive evidence as to the effect diet has on back acne development, it might not be a bad idea to adjust your diet for a period of time just to see if it improves your results.

Moderate cases of back acne can be treated in much the same way as other acne, by using over-the-counter products or prescription medications. However, when back acne becomes severe, causing cysts and other serious skin damage, it is important to seek out the expertise of a dermatologist or other skin care specialist to prevent possible damage to those areas of the skin. This will help minimize the damage and possible scarring that might result from serious cases of back acne.

FACT: Acne affects 90% of people worldwide. Why are some people able to stop adult acne dead in its tracks while others continue to suffer? Discover how you can quickly and easily find remedies for adult acne outbreaks and get the clear skin you deserve by visiting
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How to Cure Acne

By John Sullivan

The treatments available today for how to cure acne are far more diverse that what was available some years ago. Many people are affected by acne at various stages of their lives whether it is teenagers or adults. The consequences of acne are different from one person to another.

Many sufferers are seeking cures for acne, whether this is in the form of proactive acne treatments which is actually a chemical combination of benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, and other elements which work by exfoliating the skin of its dead cells and attacking the acne-causing bacteria that lodged along the skin pores in order to limit inflammation.

For many a change in diet can result in big changes to the severity of the acne. Eating more vegetables and whole foods that have nutrients that can help in reducing the degree of the acne.
Adult acne options for severe cases could include laser acne treatment, while others look for natural treatments for acne.

It is important to remember that several options may have to be tried before a suitable solution is found. Remember that very often it is a long process for some to be cured of acne. Some will find the benefit of using a neutral soap and washing several times a day will find beneficial results.

It is important to be aware of the implications of squeezing the affected areas. For many the temptation is so great that they cannot resist. In severe cases of acne over a long period, this can lead to acne scars.

Remember that if the condition doesn't improve over a period of time, then it is important to consult a dermatologist who will advise on the best course of treatment. Sometimes a change in diet at an early stage will not only help the condition, but will avoid the need to seek acne scar treatment at a later date.

Laser acne treatment has become popular in recent times as an option for some sufferers, but be sure to consult a dermatologist that you have confidence in.

Another option for some seeking cures for acne is in using natural treatments for acne. There are many doctors today who prescribe natural remedies as opposed to the traditional options, but again be sure to find someone you trust.

How to get rid of acne is one of the most common questions today among teens and adults and as such there are many products that appear overnight that promise to resolve the answer to how to cure acne, but in reality most really do not resolve the problem.

Remember the results will vary from case to case and very often will be a long-term treatment on how to cure acne.

To find out the latest news on the options available for acne sufferers be sure to visit How to Cure Acne How to Cure Acne
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Monday, July 9, 2007

Type Of Laser Acne Treatments Explained: In English

By Nash Burns

Acne treatment by means of laser beams has helped countless acne sufferers alleviate their problems. Like so many things in life, over the counter acne treatment product has its limitations and just not effective in getting rid of pimple and zits anymore. You’d come to a point that after trying so many products you are on the verge of giving up. If after trying over the counter product does not yield result, you’d want to look into acne laser treatment for a change.

If you are looking to eliminate acne, cure zits and treat pimples you will find that, among other good solutions, laser therapy has some outstanding results. Laser acne therapy and treatments utilize the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) Lasers and nonablative lasers. Both of this laser acne treatment will further increase your choices in the methods of eliminating acne. Most acne blemish laser treatment methods are painless and effective, but they also come at a noticeable price. However there are other types of treatment that people consider to be the best acne treatments

Does acne laser treatment really work?
When using laser acne treatment for removing acne, you should be aware that each procedure is meticulously reviewed and approved by health boards. The laser device emits a smooth laser beam that focuses on the affected areas. The laser beam will cause the layer beneath the skin surface to increase in heat and will cause the glands in the affected area to become smaller. The whole laser acne treatments involve the patients applying onto the affected area during procedure causing the process becoming painless.

Explained: Types of laser acne treatment
Nonablative Lasers. These types of lasers work by going underneath the skin to stimulate collagen growth and help tighten underlying skin. Some of the positive results include a good skin tone, a reduction in fine lines and a noticeable effect in skin appearance, thus constituting and excellent acne blemish laser treatment.

This type of acne treatment is best used on those that have moderate acne condition and also facial wrinkles which are not so bad. The procedure used in the ER laser treatment is one of the best ways for removal of acne and blemish.

The CO2 is another laser treatment which utilizes light energy in its procedure. The acne affected tissues are virtually destroyed layer by layer using the light energy emitted by the laser beam. It works well for removing all types of zits and pimples and is a serious candidate to the position of best acne treatment.

What are the side effects of using acne treatment?
Some of the commonly encountered side effects include skin discoloration, skin crusting and, in some cases, swelling of the affected areas. The Carbon Dioxide laser is also known to produce higher levels of pigmentation during the acne blemish laser treatment. The risk of side effects are present in all type of zit removing treatment, but in the case of laser treatment the risk are much lower than chemical based treatment. However there are other type of treatments that people considers to be the best acne treatment apart from laser pimple removal procedure.

Some consider the best acne treatments got nothing to do with laser treatments. Find out what they are here. For more FREE info visit the website and get the latest news about acne.

Monday, July 2, 2007

How to Cure Zits

By Francisco Lakay

Unfortunately, in most cases, puberty will be remembered for all those nasty zits you had to put up with.

But first, let's clear up some bad rumours about the causes of zits:
(1) zits are not caused by your diet - so no connection between junk food, chocolate and zits
(2) zits are not caused by a lack of personal hygiene
(3) no matter how many times you pop zits, they will keep coming back!

Some truths about zits:
(1) you can inherit zits from your parents (ouch!)
(2) girls can get zits from 11 years old and boys from 13 years old
(3) zits are caused by an increased hormone production during puberty, blocked oil glands and bacterial infection.

How to cure zits:
(1) stay regular - if you are constipated it may also cause zit outbreaks - eat lots of fibre, raw fruit and vegetables
(2) don't pop your zits! I know it's tempting to remove that big, yellow zit, but in the end you will have scarring
(3) wash with a mild soap and DON'T scrub! You will only be irritating the already sensitive areas. Don't wash more than 3 times a day (really!)
(4) use natural products to clear your zits, e.g. fresh lemon, garlic and cucumber. Sure, they take longer to heal zits than the commercial counterparts but they are ALL natural
(5) allow your skin to breathe during the day - don't cover up your zits with excessive make-up. This will only aggravate your zit problem further.

There are loads of treatments to cure zits, even laser treatment, but stick to the one you feel the most comfortable with.

Here's to the end of your zits!
Francisco M. Lakay is the owner of the blog Cure Acne Scarring Naturally
Feel free to visit this site for more relevant information and help.
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Cure Acne Scarring Naturally

By Francisco Lakay

High school should be the most memorable time for anyone, but not for the wrong reasons. Mine was definitely memorable and mainly due to my unsightly acne and blackhead stricken face! I was embarrassed the whole time, did not even look people in the eye, AND would know exactly when my shoes were dirty ... because I would be looking at my feet the whole time!

Every morning I would wake up, steam my face, scrub my face, pick a few zits and feel miserable all over again. I tried every possible product on the market, went to the doctor even, but the acne was still around. I even stopped looking in the mirror because of what I would see staring back at me: red and inflamed acne and blackheads on a shiny, oily face. Yep, I had it pretty bad! I got so desperate that I kept on telling myself that the next product, or maybe even the very next product would clear up my skin permanently ... didn't happen ;(

So I decided to read up all the possible info I could lay my hands on about acne. It sure was an extensive read - talk about system overload. Nevertheless, I got to understand the causes and effects behind acne, pimples, blackheads and problem skin. And I started implementing all those information into my daily lifestyle and got back awesome results! Today I have been acne free with clear, blemish-free skin for years non-stop. The flipside though is that I don't notice anymore that my shoes have become dirty :)

Yours in clear skin,
Francisco M. Lakay (
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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Are You Addicted To Your Acne Trigger?

An acne trigger is any thought, location, feeling, food, emotion, response, drink, drug, memory and/or experience that sets off a series of hormonal reactions in your body that ultimately result in an acne formation.

If a food or drink is the culprit behind your acne breakouts you may actually be addicted to your preferred culinary delight. The allergy addition could stem from the body's response to frequently consumed allergens. During an allergic response, the body releases endorphins. These endorphins in turn create the feeling of a natural high. Any substance that promotes this fleeting state of euphoria may be additive. So, you may be eating a food that you are allergic to just to get high, and as an after blow, you get acne. Ouch.

Surprisingly, eating a lot of any particular food, even a "healthy food", can incite an allergic response. Though still unexplainable, the food creates an immune response and/or stresses specific digestive enzymes. Poor digestion can irritate the body in multiple ways, generating an allergic response.

One way to decide whether or not you are allergic to a certain food is to examine the foods your most often crave. Are you eating the food to experience a gastronomic high? Foods containing chocolate, dairy, wheat, corn, tomatoes, and soy are common sources of food allergens.

Sources and additional reading:
The Inflammation Syndrome: The complete nutritional program to prevent and reverse heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, allergies, asthma. Jack Challem. John Wiley & Sons. 2003.
Stop Inflammation Now! A step-by-step plan to prevent, treat, and reverse inflammation- the leading cause of heart disease and related conditions. Richard M. Flemming, M.D. with Tom Monte. G.P. Putman's Sons. 2004.
Health author and Noixia campaigner Naweko San-Joyz lovingly writes from her home in San Diego. Her works include "Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne" (ISBN: 0974912204) and the upcoming work "Skinny Fat Chicks, Why we're still not getting this dieting thing" (ISBN: 0974912212) for release in June of 2005.
For useful acne self-help articles visit

An Introduction To Acne Treatment

Nearly 17 million people in the United States have acne, making it the most common skin disease. Acne affects almost all teenagers as well as a growing number of adults. It attacks all kinds of skin - with little regard to race or gender - on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders, and upper arms. It can take the form of whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, nodules and cysts ? even permanent scars. Often, acne clears up after several years, even without treatment. Sometimes, however, action needs to be taken.

Acne is formed when skin cells inside hair follicles shed too fast and clump together, plugging up the follicle and causing a pimple. While mostly genetic, acne can be aggravated by any combination of stress, hormonal activity, hyperactive sebaceous glands, accumulation of dead skin cells, bacteria in the pores, skin irritation or scratching of any sort, anabolic steroids, medications containing halogens (iodides, chlorides, bromides), moisturizer overuse, hair removal, lithium, barbiturates, androgens, or exposure to high levels of chlorine compounds.

Many acne sufferers think they have no recourse but to wait it out and pray that theirs is not a severe case. Today, an overwhelming variety of preventions and treatments exist to combat every kind of acne, from the humblest of whiteheads to the most vicious cystic inflammations. From kitchen to pharmacy to natural food store to dermatologist's office, there are dozens and dozens of treatment routes you can take, depending on your case of acne.

Over-the-counter topical treatments are your first line of defense against acne outbreaks. Benzoyl peroxide is the most popular chemical for this type of treatment, coming in such sommonly known brands as Clearasil, Oxy, and Neutrogena. It is important to treat acne early on, as all treatments are actually preventions against later outbreaks. For more severe cases, there are oral and topical prescription medications, as well as traditional or laser surgery.

Acne Treatment Info provides detailed information on the best acne treatments, including laser acne treatment, and scar treatment, as well as adult, natural, home treatment, and more. Acne Treatment Info is the sister site of Microdermabrasion Web.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

An Acne Home Remedy Does Exist, Will It Work For You?

Have you tried an acne home remedy? There are an amazing amount of products that are probably sitting in your kitchen right now, just waiting for you to put them on your face! You might be surprised at how helpful these acne home remedies can be. An acne home remedy may be more effective than you thought.

In this day and age, many of us are used to buying our cosmetics in pretty bottle form, with the name of some well-known manufacturer on the side. And while there is no doubt that skincare specialists are working hard to bring us the most up-to-date combinations of chemical ingredients to help our skin look good, many of the basic ingredients they use can be found in our own kitchens, just waiting for us to use them as acne home remedies!

Homemade acne remedies can be as easy to put together as slicing a lemon. The astringent properties of this fruit make it a wonderful acne home remedy. Simply rub a slice of lemon over your skin before you go to bed at night, and see how clear it looks in the morning. Tomatoes are also a great acne home remedy, and can be used in the same way.

Other effective homemade acne remedies include garlic, which can be applied directly to spots and pimples. An application of mint juice is also helpful in treating skin conditions, including acne, insect bites, and even cuts and scrapes.

Raw papaya can also help reduce the swelling and soreness of those angry, sore pimples, as can a paste made from the peel of oranges. There really are a multitude of products available right from your kitchen that can be used as an acne home remedy.

While many of these products are the basis for the expensive cleansers that you will find at the drugstore, using them in a natural form can take a little more time. But remember that these natural acne home remedies can also be kinder to your skin than their manufactured counterparts, which can ultimately have a more healthful effect on the condition of your skin.

Your kitchen contains many products that could be your acne home remedy. If you are fed up trying those sometimes harsh, highly processed skincare products, then a homemade acne remedy might be the refreshing change that makes a real difference to your skin.

An acne home remedy may work better than you thought.
Find out more about Acne as well as Home Treatment for Acne and Adult Acne, Acne Skin Care Products, the Best Acne Treatments and more at Peter's website, Acne All Gone.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

An Acne Herbal Hand And Footbath

In a book I read by William L. Fischer called Hidden Secrets of Super Perfect Health at Any Age, Book II, 1986, I learn how to do herbal footbaths.
In chapter 10, The F-M Circulizer System, Fischer discusses the use of an herbal footbath. After reading this chapter, I realized how herbs in a footbath could improve your skin and help you eliminate acne.
This book was written in 1986 and Fischer claims herbal footbaths have been in use overseas since 1946!
Now, you can do either a footbath or a hand bath. Once you prepare a container with hot water you can put your feet or hands into it and get the same results.
If you already have foot spa, thank your mother, sister, or whoever bought it because you're in for a treat. If you don't, with $20 or $30 you can get one just like I did.
When you use a heated footbath, veins in your feet start to expand. Over a period of 15-20 minute, the warm water affects your entire vascular (blood) system and you get improved blood circulation.

By adding an herbal infusion into the hot water in the footbath, minerals and other phytochemicals from the herbs enter the soles of your feet and into your blood stream.
This means that you can introduce herbal phytochemicals into your blood stream using the footbath. During your footbath, these herbal chemicals quickly circulated throughout your body and get to work neutralizing acid, killing bacteria, and improving your skin circulation.

Here is an herbal combination you can use. This herbal combination was taken and modified slightly from a book written by Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D., called The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine, 1986. Mowrey says,
"This (herbal) blend attacks external skin disorders from within, purifying the blood, carrying away waste, reinforcing the blood's ability to ward off infectious agents."

The herbal combination to use is:
* Dandelion root - purifies blood and improves liver function
* Yellow dock root - purifies blood, helps liver, is anti-bacterial
* Saraparilla root - has antibiotic action, promotes waste elimination through urine and sweating
* Echinacea - increases immunity and promotes skin healing
* Licorice - protects the liver so that it can detoxify the blood better
* Kelp - provide minerals and vitamins and binds heavy metal that are bad for health
* Chaparral - is anti-microbial making effective against acne.
* Fresh Garlic - cut up a few cubes of garlic and place them into the hot water. Garlic is has antibacterial properties.
Buy one ounce of each herb and mix them.

Here's how to do the herbal hand or footbath:
* Place 2-3 tablespoons of herbal mix into 1 ½ cups of water
* Boil the water with herbs - use only a glass, porcelain, or stainless steel container
* After water starts to boil, pull the container off the stove
* Let tea sit for 15-30 minutes. The longer the tea sits the stronger the tea and its effects
* Prepare your foot spa with water
* Strain the tea to remove leaves and roots
* Poor tea and cut garlic into the foot spa
* Place your feet or hands in the hot water for 15 - 30 minutes.
Use the this footbath daily for 14-21 days in the morning for getting rid of acne.
I have been using a foot spa for many different conditions for my family and myself. I really like using the footbath. It is a convenient way to by pass your digestive system and get more nutrients into your body.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call "" More acne hints and information on his acne e-book can be found at:

Monday, June 11, 2007

An Acne Fetish Is No Laughing Matter

While it may be easy to scoff off an acne fetish with remarks like, "I don't have that problem," this condition is more common than properly acknowledged. A fetish is an object of unreasonably obsessive attention or regard. Thus, extreme attention given to zits and pimples characterize an acne fetish. Two clinical forms of an acne fetish include excoriated acne and imagined acne.

Excoriated acne occurs when an acne patient continues to pick at or squeeze acne formations on their face, never allowing the skin to heal. This constant picking aggravates the acne condition and often times leaves severe scarring. Imagined acne happens when a patient is convinced she has acne but in reality does not. This person may have one small pimple and blow the existence of the pimple out of proportion and view it as a severe case of acne.

Underlying both of these acne fetishes is the fear of being ugly, or dysmorphophobia. It's an easy psychological state to acquire in a society that increasingly places more value on superficial looks than personal traits.
Steps to combating an acne fetish include: Spending less time self-critiquing in front of the mirror; and embellishing your talents.

Even a hiatus from mirror visits may help an acne fetish. If you do look in the mirror, focus on elements of your face besides the zits. For instance, look at the color of your eyes or the size of your lips, without criticizing of course. You may have lovely eyelashes or the perfect eyebrows. Whenever you look in the mirror stop making negative judgments about yourself. If you do find yourself ridiculing yourself and wanting to burst a zit in a rushed desire for clear skin, just remind yourself that every zit that you prematurely pop may encourage the formation of 3 completely new zits.

Focus on your greatest assets as a person, or cultivate new skills. You may be an awesome guitar player or fabulous singer, give yourself recognition for your strengths. Do something that you've always wanted to do, but did not do because you felt having acne precludes you from this activity.

In the final analysis, healing an acne fetish starts with recognizing that this condition has serious medical repercussions. An acne fetish can debilitate one's self-esteem while encouraging needless facial scarring. If you think you have an acne fetish, you can get help from a qualified dermatologist, psychologists or just talk it over with some really cool and understanding friends.
Naweko San-Joyz is creator of the Acne Messages program, the only acne program to combine the latest scientific research and ancient wisdom to deliver an acne cure as unique as the acne sufferer. As there are millions of people with acne, there are a millions cures, find your unique cure with Acne Messages.
ISBN: 0974912204 available at Amazon and, Home of Six Billion Natural Cures for Acne

Thursday, June 7, 2007

A Look At Microdermabrasion Machines

Microdermabrasion systems are safe for most all skin types. Microdermabrasion systems actually evolved from a process known as dermabrasion. Though effective, especially for serious dermis scarring, dermabrasion is harsh, requiring a metallic re-surfacing tool, anesthesia, and long recovery times. Microdermabrasion systems, however, gently smooth signs of aging, sun damage, and scarring with micro-crystal creams. The beauty of micro-crystal creams is how powerfully they polish the skin, but remains gentle and forgiving.

A special cleansing device circulates a cream, infused with tiny exfoliating crystals (aluminum oxide), directly onto the skin. These micro-crystals deep clean the skin's outer-most layer of dead skin cells and other debris, while the re-surfacing wand massages the upper-most surface tissue, clears pores, and jumpstarts circulation. In turn, creating a fresh skin surface that diminishes the appearance of wrinkles, lines, spots, blemishes, uneven skin surfaces, and scarring caused by acne, childbirth, weight gain, aging, sun damage, or genetics.

The process is not painful but more like a deep cleansing tissue massage. The re-surfacing tool has various strength levels and is easy to control. Most licensed estheticians and cosmetologists, RNs, or doctors perform professional microdermabrasion services using a closed-loop vacuum system, to include a waste catching canister. Professional operators of microdermabrasion systems are required to be trained. Home systems are also available, and usually provide training manuals.

Microdermabrasion equipment is adjustable and easily tailored to your specific beauty needs. Most systems include the following basic components: hand-held resurfacing tool that applies exfoliating solutions, specially formulated creams infused with exfoliating micro-crystals (aluminum oxide), and various foam attachments designed for polishing all skin surfaces.

Most major cosmetic manufacturers sell microdermabrason equipment, many are conveniently available online. Simply conduct a search for "microdermabrasion systems." Professional level microdermabrasion equipment is also available on the web, targeting salons, cosmetic surgeons, and entrepreneurs. The professional equipment is similar to many home systems in that they both use a buffing wand that applies micro-crystals. The primary differences between the two is that professional microdermabrasion equipment offers a re-surfacing device that simultaneously vacuums or sweeps the debris clear and increases tissue stimulation, while having more power and durability due to repeated use and varied clientele needs.

Microdermabrasion equipment ranges from inexpensive do-it-yourself lotion packages to medical and salon machines costing several thousands of dollars. This technology empowers you to experience serious skin improvements from home, at the salon, or in your dermatologist's office without the inconvenience and risks involved with surgery, lasers, and chemicals.
Microdermabrasion Info provides detailed information on microdermabrasion, a progressive skin re-surfacing technique that targets wrinkles, lines, superficial scarring, stretch marks, acne, and sun damage. Microdermabrasion Info is the sister site of Acne Treatment Web.