Friday, March 30, 2007

Acne Program- Step 3: Relieve Your Constipation With A Three Day Mini-juice Fast

Getting your bowels moving and cleaning out your colon is necessary for having facial skin without blemishes or acne. By reducing the toxins in your colon, you minimize the toxins that can seep out of your facial pores and contribute to acne.
If you eat 3 meals each day, you should have at least 2 bowel movements a day. If you only have one, then you are short 1 bowel movement.
To get your bowels moving like they should, you need to, clean out what is in your colon right now. So the first day is for cleaning out your colon. The next two days is too keep cleaning the colon and to detoxify the body.
Doing a 3-day mini-fruit juice fast is the best way to start cleaning out the colon, to detoxify the blood, and rejuvenate your body. Just doing a fast for three days is not a cure at all and it will require more work on your part by starting to eat more natural foods.

In her extensive book, Cooking For Healthy Healing, 1991, Linda Rector-page, N.D., Ph.D., talks about what a fast does,
"Fasting works by self-digestion. During a cleanse, the body in its infinite wisdom, will decompose and burn only the substances and tissue that are damaged, diseased, or unneeded, such as abscesses, tumors, excess fat deposits, and congestive wastes. Even a relatively short fast can accelerate elimination from the liver, kidneys, lungs and skin, often causing dramatic changes as masses of accumulated waste are expelled. Live foods and juices can literally pick up dead matter from the body and carry it away."

Day before the fast
The day before the fast, eat a large salad and two apples. This will give you plenty of fiber to scrub the walls of your colon as you move fecal matter out of your colon the following day.

First day of colon cleanse
Do this cleanse on a Saturday, Sunday or any other day that you don't have to go anywhere. You will be going to the bathroom all day and at times you need to be there quick.

Buy the following items.
* Organic apple juice - one gallon
* Organic apples - 6 for one day
* Organic prune juice - one quart

When you first wake up in the morning, drink:
* 8 oz of prune juice
* 10 minutes later drink another 8oz of prune juice
* 10 minutes later again drink another 8 oz of prune juice
* wait 20 minutes than drink 8 oz of apple juice
* wait 30 minutes than drink another 8 oz of apple juice
If you haven't sped to the bathroom yet, you will in a little while.
Now you will drink 8 oz of apple juice every hour until the end of the day. You can stop drinking apple juice around 5pm.
During the day you can eat three apples in the morning and 3 apples in the evening.
This process will clean out any fecal matter that has been sitting your colon for days and gets you ready for the next step.

Second way to start the colon cleanse
Another way to start a colon cleanse is to use a product that is called "Oxy-Powder." This product is in capsules and is used to 30 days. Simply by taking capsules everyday, you will clean out your colon and any build up along your colon walls.
You can get this product on the internet, just type in Oxy-powder.

Second day of mini fast
During the second day you can drink different kinds of juice and eat 2-6 apples. You can drink any kind of juice be it fruit or vegetable. A combination of fruit and vegetable juice is good.

Third day of mini fast
The third day is like the second day where you can drink different kinds of juice and eat 2-6 apples. You can drink any kind of juice be it fruit or vegetable. A combination of fruit and vegetable juice is good.

Fourth Day, after the fast is done
After you have finished your three-day mini fast, start eating soft foods to gently adjust your system to food. Here are some of the foods you can eat:
* Baked potato
* Fruit salad
* Fruit smoothie
* Light soup
* Oatmeal, multigrain cereal
* Salad
* Yogurt
If you are ill, not feeling good or your immune system is low, don't do this mini-fast. Wait until you feel strong. After you do the mini-juice fast, you are now ready for the next step in clearing your acne.
Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call "" More acne hints and information on his acne e-book can be found at:

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Acne Program- Step 4: Adding Essential Fatty Acids To Your Diet

Getting sufficient essential fatty acids is important in clearing acne. It's these fatty acids that help control the production of androgens - the hormones that surge during the teen-age times, which causes excess sebum oil to clog your hair follicle and contribute to creating your acne.
The three fatty acids you need daily are omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9. You need more omega 6, olive oil, than omega 3.

When you are deficient in the essential fatty acids, you will have:
* A weakened immune system
* Inflammatory disorders
* Poor skin
* Skin eruptions that won't heal
* Increase sebum production causing acne
* Sebaceous glands size increase
Eating essential oils is necessary to provide the right oils that are used in the sebaceous glands. These oils can come from straight vegetable oils or from oils in specific foods such as nuts and seeds.
Use flax seed oil (omega-3 oil) and olive oil (omega-6 oil) in your salad. These are the best oils to eat and are called polyunsaturated fatty acids. The other oil that is even better for you is called monounsaturated fatty acid, omega-9. This oil is found in avocados.
Most diets people have contain an excess of omega-6 oils, so mostly likely you need to concentrate on getting more omega-3 oils into your diet.

You can get omega-3 oil from:
* avocados
* sesame seeds
* pumpkin seeds
* walnuts
* dark leafy green vegetables (spinach, mustard greens, kale)
* wheat germ oil
* salmon
* sardines
* albacore tuna
Or, you can take one to 4 tablespoon of flax seed oil, omega-3 oil, each day. This will give you the amount of omega-3 oil that your body needs to reduce or eliminate acne blemishes. You can add this oil to your morning cereal, soups, smoothies, salads and other liquid foods. Each tablespoon of flax seed oil contains about 100 calories.

You can get omega-6 oil from:
* Flaxseed oil
* Flaxseeds
* grape seed oil
* pistachio nuts
* olives
* olive oil
* sunflower seeds
* evening primrose oil
* pumpkin seeds
Taking 2-3 tablespoons of omega-6 oil a day will give you the amount of this oil that you body needs. You can add olive oil and other oils into your salad with the flax seed oil.

You can get omega-9 oil from:
* Olive oil
* Avocados
* Cashews
* Almonds
* Olives
* sesame oil
* pecans
* pistachio nuts
Taking around 1 ½ tablespoon of olive oil per day will give you the omega-9 oil that your body needs.

Fish Oils
In addition to supplying your diet with omega-3 and omega-6 oils, you need to supplement your diet with fish oils. Fish oil contains EPA and DHA fatty acids.
Normally, enzymes in your body break down omega-6 into EPA and DHA fatty acids.
* Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)
* Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
These two fatty acids eventually change into prostaglandins.

What are prostaglandins?
Prostaglandins are chemical hormones that come from omega-3 and omega-6 oils and that help,
regulate every function in your cells and organs.
Postaglandins also keep androgen hormones in control so that excess sebum is not produced in the hair follicle, which results in acne.
However, eating plenty essential fatty acids may not insure that you produce enough EPA and DHA, which produce the essential prostaglandins.
It is critical for acne and more importantly for your health that you get enough EPA and DHA in your cells and organs so they can produce the required prostaglandins.
To increase the prostaglandins in your cell walls, it is necessary for you to take a fish supplement, which contains both the EPA and DHA.
Of course eating salmon, halibut, and mackerel twice a week will be a plus in providing your body with more EPA and DHA.
Include at least 20% of your diet calories as good fats - omega oils and fish oil. This is essential for controlling the excess activity of your hormones and reducing the inflammation of your acne.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call "" More acne hints and information on his acne e-book can be found at:

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Acne Program - Step 5: Foods To Stop Eating

Even though many dermatologist and doctors don't see the connection between your diet, constipation, a toxic colon, and a toxic liver with the acne that you are suffering from, it does not mean the food you eat is not important in clearing your acne.
If the doctors were right about food and the colon, then they would easily be able to help you clear your acne with their drugs. Drugs can give you temporary relief, it they work at all, but as you use them they can also give you some unpleasant side effects.
In her book, Food And Healing, 1986, Annemarie Colbin, points out,
"In a systems view of the body, input of all kinds relates to output of all kinds. Food, therefore, would have a definite relationship to matter pushed out through the skin. I am continually amazed that dermatologists persist in viewing the skin as merely a protective envelope for the body, ascribing its eruptions to 'viruses' and imprecise malfunctions and supporting the myth that 'diet has nothing to do with acne."
In my experience, diet has everything to do with acne. Not only did I fix my own bad skin through correct eating but I have seen among my students a number of severe cases - the large purplish kind of acne on cheeks and chins - completely cured within three months by a change of diet."

Foods to Stop Eating
If you smoke, drink alcohol or drink coffee, then this program will not work too well for you. When you have these addictions, your body's minerals and vitamins will be out of balance and it will be difficult for you to achieve any state of good health.
So, here are the foods that you need to stop eating. You don't need to stop eating these foods instantly. Not many people can do this. You need to do this gradually. I know it will be hard to stop eating some of these foods that you have enjoyed, over the years, but you have to ask yourself the question, Which do I want to be? Acne free or a junk food addict? The choice is yours and I know you will make the right decision so here is the list:

* White Bread - This is considered junk food since it is void of any vitality for your body. It is hard to digest and causes constipation
* Chocolate - some chocolates are better than others. Those that have saturated fats such milk, butter and sugars are not good for your health and definitely not good for your skin.
* Fried Fatty foods - fried foods, butter, cheeses, beef
* Foods in packages - All foods in packages or boxes are junk food. They are considered dead food and provide no life force to your body. They take from you because they use up minerals, vitamins, and digestive enzymes during digestion. They contain no fiber so they cause constipation.
* Foods with artificial flavors and preservatives - These are non-foods that are super toxic. Your body does not know what to do with them so it stores them in your body as toxic waste.
* Milk, ice cream, hard cheeses - these foods cause allergies and cause mucus to form. This mucus coats the colon and other internal surfaces and interferes with the function of that area. Bacteria and other pathogens enjoy living in the mucus film. This mucus also tries to escape through the face when you have too much of it in the body. If you cannot digest dairy products, this can cause you to have acne.
* Sodas are the worst drink you can take. They contain plenty of sugar and phosphoric acid.
* Sugar is considered a white poison. It creates so many health problems in the body that the FDA should outlaw it.
* Salt - avoid salt only because it has iodine. Iodine has been shown to cause acne.
* Excess Vitamin B12 - can aggravate or produce acne.

There you have it. It takes a lot of will power and desire to change your diet. It can be done but do it slowly. Start changing your diet and see where you're at in 6 months.
Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call "" More acne hints and information on his acne e-book can be found at:

Acne: Diminished Self-confidence In Teens - You Can Get Rid Of Acne Effectively With No Scarring

Acne refers to a skin condition where pores on the skin contain blackheads, whiteheads and/or pimples. In severe cases, plugged pores can result in lumps, cysts or nodules.
While Acne tends to predominantly affect teenagers (at least 90% develop some form of Acne), it is not uncommon in adults. Acne can occur on the face, neck, chest, back and arms. Acne can have a severe psychological impact, particularly on teenagers, and be a direct causal factor of low self-esteem and diminished confidence. Severe acne may lead to permanent scarring. Many people actively seek Home Remedies for Acne to treat the condition themselves.

Teens and Acne
While most teens exhibit only mild forms of Acne, even these mild breakouts can cause untold heartache. 'I can't go the prom?'; 'I can't go on my date?'; 'I can't go to school like this?'
These statements are indicative of low self-esteem and/or diminished self-confidence. In a teen-world where 'perfection' is propagated by both the media and one's peers, being 'disfigured' by facial blemishes has a massive psychological impact on many teens. Especially in severe cases.
Of course they are NOT disfigured, they simply have a skin condition common to teens due to the hormonal changes naturally occurring within their bodies. Growing up has its challenges.

Treating Acne
It IS possible to gently and effectively Treat Acne Naturally (no drugs or prescription medication required).
A 100% purely natural cure for Acne, that has multiple positive testimonials from thousands of people across the world can be found at It comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. I recommend it. Cure acne with no scarring... It's not only possible, it's a reality...

Friday, March 23, 2007

Acne Home Remedy

Acne or pimples are caused by hormonal changes, wrong food habits and improper skin care. Acne remedies given below are based on herbs and natural ingredients that treat your acne like magic and help improve the skin disorders.
Grind nutmeg with unboiled milk and apply on affected area. This works as a magic. Pimples should disappear without leaving a mark.
Make a paste by mixing 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever.
Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder.
Make orange peel paste by grinding it in some water. Apply on and around pimples.
Rub fresh garlic on and around pimples. Pimples will disappear without a mark with regular applications.
Mix 1 tablespoon groundnut oil with 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples .
Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies, & other skin infections.
Apply a paste of fresh fenugreek leaves over the face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water. This will prevent pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles.
Apply juice of raw papaya (including the skin and seed) on swelling pimples.
Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash for pimples.
Mix lime juice and rose water in equal portions. Apply on affected area. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.
Apply ripe tomatoes pulp on pimples and kept up to 1 hour, then wash.

Copyright 2004 P. Mehta
This article has been written by For more home remedies on how to treat acne naturally, visit the web site


One of the most popular skin disorders, Acne, is the term used for plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), pimples and even deeper lumps like cysts or nodules.
Though the affect of the disease is seen mostly on the face, it may spread on your neck, chest, back, shoulders and even on the upper arms.
Acne begins when tiny hair follicles become plugged with oily secretions from the skin's sebaceous glands that initially take the form of blackheads and whiteheads. While blackheads are small, flat spots with dark center, whiteheads are similar excepting for being colorless.When these whiteheads or blackheads get swelled up, they form cysts or nodules. These cysts and nodules are basically the firm swellings below the skin surface that get infected too at times, give birth to acne.
Acne starts from the age group of twelve to seventeen in its mild form. It takes the severe form in mid-teens, severe enough in 40% adolescents to see the physician.Though it occurs in both sexes, teenage boys are more prone to suffer from the severe cases of it. The adults too are unable to escape this skin disorder. 20% population belonging to this age group, especially women, suffer from mild to moderate forms in their thirties and beyond, and are somewhat susceptible to rosacea. It is due to hormonal changes associated with their menstrual cycle and acne caused by cosmetics.
In most of the cases acne gets cured on it's own, but if it persists, it can result in to serious and permanent scarring.
Various factors that cause adult and teen acne include hormonal changes, diet, evolutionary biology, vitamin deficiencies and more. It may develop due to family history of the condition, stresses and use of contraceptives or corticosteroids. Poor hygiene, unbalanced diet and stress can be the promoting factors of acne but are not the real causes.
Stein Ove Stien is the manager of with Acne Blogs Guides and Acne Treatment Articles

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

6 Steps To Clear, Acne-free Skin

Hundreds of medications, treatments, cleansers and cosmetics are available for people with acne, but the most important elements of an acne-fighting program won't cost you a cent.

1. Nourish your skin by eating a healthy and balanced diet.
Most health care specialists agree that a healthy diet will benefit your skin. Cut down on caffeine, sugar and refined carbohydrates, all of which can activate the hormones that tell your sebaceous glands to produce more oil. Add more fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, juices and other healthy treats to your daily diet, and you'll see in improvement in your skin.

2. Drink lots of water to maintain the skin's elasticity.
Plenty of water is essential to the health of your skin. One of the main activities of the body's self-healing system is to filter the blood, a job performed mostly by the kidneys, with help from the skin in the form of perspiration. This self-healing system removes the toxic wastes of metabolizing food and of other harmful substances that get into our bodies one way or another.
This purification system operates efficiently only if the volume of water flowing through it is sufficient to carry away the wastes. 6 to 8 glasses (64 fluid ounces) of water a day is the recommendation. To reach your quota, carry bottled water with you in your car, your purse, your briefcase-wherever you go.
Get the water habit, and your skin will thank you for it.

3. Exercise regularly for good circulation.
Get into a regular routine of exercise. Do it for at least half an hour, five days a week. Exercise improves your blood circulation, helping your body clear toxins from your system, including your skin. Better circulation also increases the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your skin. Exercise also relieves stress, which is a common cause of acne flare-ups. Last but not least, exercise releases endorphins, the "feel good" substance in your brain that puts a smile on your face-the best beauty secret of all.

4. Cleanse your face-then tone, moisturize, and exfoliate.
At night
* First remove your makeup with an oil-free makeup remover and a cotton ball.
* Then wash your face with lukewarm water and an oil-free, non-comedogenic (doesn't block pores) cleanser.
* Pat (don't rub) it dry with a soft towel.
* And apply an oil-free moisturizer.

In the morning
* Wash your face as directed above, then use an alcohol-free toner.
* Next apply moisturizer.
* Then apply makeup-all oil-free and non-comedogenic.

Once or twice a week use an exfoliator with alpha hydroxy acid or glycolic acid. This will aid in the shedding of dead skin cells, the "food" for the bacteria that cause pimples.
If you exercise during the day, you'll need to wash your face a third time, immediately afterward.

5. Protect your skin from the sun and harsh weather.
One popular myth about acne is that tanning will clear it. It may seem so at first, but soon you will notice that your tanned skin becomes less pliable, making it less able to shed oil and dead skin cells, which clog your pores. Your acne will become worse, not better.
Always wear sun block with at least an SPF-15 UVA & UVB rating. If you'll be outside in the sun for long, wear a wide-brimmed hat.

6. Get plenty of good-quality rest.
Your immune system requires energy to do its work, including the work of protecting your skin from acne. The deep sleep the brain needs for "recharging" comes several hours into the sleep cycle. That's why a few hours here and there won't do. Most people need at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep a night. Consider it beauty sleep.

If you make these 6 items part of your daily routine, you'll look better, feel better, and have less need of expensive acne treatments and cosmetics.Visit Ron's website Latest-Acne-Solutions for the latest research into acne relief.

Monday, March 19, 2007

5 Reasons Little White Bumps are on Your Face and How to Get Rid of Them

Are you making these mistakes each time you spot a little white little bump on your face?
Fixing those little white bumps starts with a small dose of education and ends with a big dose of prevention. After understanding the five reasons below, your little bumps should give way to clearer skin.
Reason #1: You have no clue what those little white bumps are anyway.
Little white bumps, or milia, are keratin-filled cysts, or simply little globs of protein under the skin. There are generally two types of milia. Primary milia may result from oil glands that have not fully or properly developed. Secondary milia result from trauma to the skin.
Reason #2: You think all little white bumps are acne, and treat them that way.
Just because you have little white bumps on your face does not necessarily mean that you have acne. Milia, are little balls of protein beneath the skin that do not have a pore, or hole in the skin through which to escape. Comedones or whiteheads are excess fats and wastes that are trapped in a hair follicle and so they clog up the pore. In short, milia are proteins trapped within the skin, while comedones are fats and skin debris trapped within the pore. Exfoliating the skin, or removing the dead skin cells from your skin with an abrasive product or chemical, is beneficial. But brutally scrubbing your face with soaps and chemicals too frequently may actually create milia. To avoid this, remember that gentle exfoliation helps prevent excess dead skin cell build-up that could clog your pores and cause whiteheads, not milia. This gentle exfoliation helps make eventual removal of the milia easier because the skin layer around the milia becomes thinner, with frequent, yet gentle exfoliation.
In short, Exfoliate your skin to prevent milia, not to cure them.
Reason # 3: You have no idea what causes those little white bumps anyway.
When you were a baby, you were probably covered with milia that disappear after a few days. Or, you may have inherited milia from your parents. On the other hand, you may develop milia after excessive exposure to the sun. The reasons for developing milia after sun exposure are debatable. According to some studies, the active ingredients sunscreens like Parsol 1789 may cause sun allergies and later lead to a milia breakout. Other studies blame the sun itself for "damaging" the skin can thus causing little white bumps. Some people experience milia around the mouth. This could be the result of fluoride irritation from toothpaste.
Reason # 4: No one ever told you how to prevent milia.
The best way to prevent milia is to avoid treating your skin with excessively harsh chemicals and to limit sun exposure. To reduce creating milia around the eyes, use eye creams with the least amount of ingredients possible to avoid irritating the delicately thin eye area. Also, gently touch the eyes and avoid rubbing the eyes vigorously so as not to damage the skin. When brushing you teeth, try to keep the pasty foam from staying around your mouth too long. This limits possible fluoride irritation to the skin. Use a sunscreen with the least amount of ingredients. Extraneous ingredients like fragrances may irritate your skin. Additionally, purchase sunscreens that offer physical sun blockage that contain active ingredients like titanium oxide or zinc oxide.
Reason #5: You still want to know what you can do right now to get rid of milia.
The key to getting rid of milia is realizing that they have no escape route, those little bumps are trapped under the skin. So, to get them out, you'll need to have a professional like a dermatologist or aesthetician extract them. You can extract the milia yourself, but this involves risks.
You need to ensure that you milia are not symptoms of some underlying disease or illness. Also, if you extract the milia yourself, you may have trouble completely pulling out the cysts, as the removable process may prove too painful. Otherwise, if you are confident with your health and courage, you can cleanse your hands and face. Then wet a cloth with warm water and apply it to your face for a few minutes. Gently apply a sterile needle to the center of the little white bump to create a tiny opening in the skin. Wrap your thumbs in a clean tissue and, using your thumbs, proceed to gently squeeze the contents of the little white bump out. Finally, cleanse the area of the extracted little white bump with an astringent. Now, you have no reason to walk around with little white bumps on your face. If you still think you do, please consider the possibility that you're just telling yourself little white bumpy lies.
Naweko San-Joyz is creator of the Acne Messages program, the only acne program to combine the latest scientific research and ancient wisdom to deliver an acne cure as unique as the acne sufferer. As there are millions of people with acne, there are a millions cures, find your unique cure with Acne Messages. ISBN: 0974912204 available at Amazon, Home of Six Billion Natural Cures for Acne.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

5 Acne Treatment Tips You can Use Today

Dealing with acne can be embarassing at any age. Luckily, there are a number of things you can do everyday to make sure your skin is less prone to flare ups.
Here are five tips for taking control of your acne starting today.
1. Exercise - Keeping in shape can help fight acne by fighting off negative stress levels that can come from negative self-esteem and depression. However, some safeguards need to be in place to ward off acne that can result from your workout routines. Watch what you put on your body with regards to clothing, sports gear and equipment. For example, tight lycra and nylon exercise outfits might look great in the movies and on magazine models, but if you are susceptible to acne problems, avoid these synthetic fabrics that tend to trap in body moisture and heat resulting in a bacteria frenzy. Instead, choose loose clothing made of cotton or natural blends to allow more air to get to your skin. And when you are finished with your workout, get out of clothing wet from perspiration or water sports. Shower and change into dry, clean clothing. And keep your sports gear and equipment clean, too. Dirty headgear, for instance, can irritate forehead areas prone to acne problems. So toss headbands into the washing machine after workout sessions.
2. Cosmetics - To avoid pore-clogging and skin irritations that are similar to acne and that can contribute to acne, use products labeled non-comedogenic or oil-free. Shimmering facial colors can contain a flaky mineral called mica that can cause skin irritations and clog pores. Other additives in coloring that can cause similar reactions are coal tar derivatives, carmine and heavy cream in blushes. More preventative measures include using a lip gloss that promotes a matte finish instead of a high gloss for less pore-clogging; note the more the shine, the more the comedogenic content and the more the pores can clog. Beware that eye creams can contain heavier concentrations of moisturizers than regular creams and lotions, meaning they have greater potential to clog pores in the surrounding facial areas.
3. Diet - Studies show that diet does not play a role in either the cause or the treatment of acne. However, what is recommended for acne preventative care is this: what is best for your body is best for your skin, especially since your skin is the largest organ of your body. So remember to watch your diet and consume healthy vitamins, minerals and other supplements. This will help to prevent and help conquer acne breakout.
4. Hygiene - A healthy skin regimen should include no harsh scrubbing or over-washing, because this can cause possible skin irritation or possible over production of oil to replace what has washed off, clogging pores in the process. Products with gentle exfoliation ingredients are OK to use; i.e. not scratchy nut or fruitshell pieces that can tear skin. And skip alcohol products when possible; these can take off the top layer of your skin and cause your glands to produce more oil, clogging pores in the process. If you do spot acne-troubled areas, do NOT mess with them. Remember that these are already weeks in the making, and squeezing or picking blemishes can force the infected area to regress back inside, further troubling the region and possibly leave a scar. If necessary, seek help from a dermatologist for alternative treatments.
5. Shaving - Shaving for both genders is actually an excellent way of exfoliating or removing dead skin to help with the prevention and spreading of acne instead of leaving the remains to clog pores. And for some light acne cases already in process, shaving can help rid whiteheads and blackheads from the face. A word of caution: for areas with infection or high inflammatory activity (redness, sensitive, open acne, sores, etc.), do not shave. Or at the very least, use a shaving cream for sensitive skin!
James B. Allen is the publisher of Power Living Press. He invites you to come learn more about living a healthier, wealthier, more beautiful and more powerful life TODAY by visiting:

3 Easy Ways to Treat Body Acne

Are you suffering from Body acne? or Zits below the neckline?

Don't worry. You are not alone! Lot's of teens get body acne. It is common in the winter months, when you are wearing piles of heavy clothing. Sweat can clog skin pores and lead to breakouts all over. Other things that can cause body acne are tight fitting clothing (It traps sweat against the skin, leading to clogged pores and blemishes), stress and hormones. Body acne commonly pops up on the chest and back.
To zap body acne and prevent it from coming back, you can wash your body daily with a salicylic acid based cleanser. Look for this ingredient on product labels. Shower daily and be sure to shower as soon as possible anytime you have been sweating; such as after playing sports, working outside or just being in the sun. After your shower, you can follow up by a body moisturizer that contains Alfa Hydroxy acid. This will exfoliate skin and help prevent breakouts, without drying skin out. At Nighttime you can treat body acne just like facial acne, by applying an acne zapping gel or cream at the effected parts. If your body acne is particularly bad and wont respond to this treatment after about a month, you will probably need to see a dermatologist. Venkata Ramana is a Health Enthusiast. Visit his and websites and gain maximum Information to stay fit and healthy.